

Compounding is one of the program areas which is eligible for accreditation under CCCEP’s Competency Mapped Certificate Program Accreditation Policy. To view the policy please click here.

Available Programs

To obtain a list of compounding programs that are currently accredited as Competency Mapped Certificate Programs please see Compounding Programs .

Provincial Requirements

While pharmacy regulatory bodies in all provinces and territories recognize CCCEP accreditation, at this time there are no specific requirements for competency mapped accredited programs in the area of compounding.

It should be noted that jurisdictions vary in the authorization of non-regulated pharmacy personnel to perform compounding tasks and the outsource compounding of a preparation to another pharmacy. Issuance of competency-mapped accreditation to a provider and completion of such programs by participants should not be considered as authorization for the performance of any task(s). Participants are encouraged to confirm authorization to perform specific tasks with their respective regulatory body.

Program Requirements

Compounding Programs may focus on one of the following:

  • Non-sterile compounding
  • Sterile non-hazardous compounding
  • Sterile hazardous compounding

All programs must meet the following conditions:

  1. The program addresses the 13 required competencies, as outlined in the application and assessment rubric applicable to the focus area(s) noted above.
  2. The program meets the criteria and guidelines for a CCCEP accredited Continuing Education Certificate Program as outlined in the CCCEP policy on certificate programs. For information on CCCEP’s certificate programs and to access a copy of the CCCEP policy please click here.

Please note that only those compounding programs that address the competencies noted in Condition 1 may be accredited as a certificate program under the CCCEP policy on Accreditation of Continuing Education Certificate Programs.

Required Competencies

Whether the education program is focused on non-sterile, sterile non-hazardous, or sterile hazardous compounding, each must meet the 13 required competencies, as well as the content and assessment elements expected in a learning activity that is intended to address these competencies. These requirements and expectations are outlined in the applicable Application and Assessment Rubric/Form. These forms can be found on the CCCEP forms page.

Accreditation Review Process

The comptency mapped accreditation review process for compounding programs is a two-stage process.

  1. Stage 1: Regular review for a CCCEP accredited Continuing Education Certificate Program
  2. Stage 2: Review the extent to which the program addresses the required competencies

The Stage 1 review process is the process that is used for all new learning activities, with the addition of the review for Certificate Program eligibility (conducted concurrently). The Stage 2 review process examines the program content to determine the extent to which it addresses each of the required competencies.

Application Process

Information regarding the application process for competency mapped accreditation can be found on the Competency Mapped Accreditation page by clicking here.