Delivery Types
Each learning activity submitted for CCCEP accreditation is identified by the type of delivery mode – independent study, live, blended, conference or regularly scheduled series.
Independent Study Learning activities (I) are those learning activities that the learner works on without interacting directly with a presenter/facilitator, or with other learners in real time. Learning activity delivery media typically include:
- Print (e.g. learning activity materials sent by mail, included in a print journal, downloaded from the Internet in PDF form and printed);
- Audio (e.g. CD/DVD, Internet, tapes, Podcasts);
- Video (e.g. CD/DVD, Internet, Podcasts); and
- Interactive multimedia (e.g. CD/DVD, Internet).
Live Learning activities (L) are learning activities in which learners and presenters interact in real time. They usually take place with the presenter and learner in the same room in forums such as lectures, workshops or symposia, but may also be delivered using distance education technology such as:
- Audio Conference;
- Video Conference;
- Internet Webcast;
- Synchronous Internet conferencing.
Blended Learning activities (B) combine some independent study activities by the learner with one or more live sessions with a presenter or facilitator.
Conferences (C) are learning activities which are accredited as a single learning activity, offering a number of sessions and workshops by different presenters on diverse topics.
Regularly Scheduled Series (R) is a set/series of multiple live continuing health education sessions that occur on an ongoing, scheduled basis (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly) that are organized by, and meet the learning needs of, a defined group of health professionals.