Delivery Type and Administrative Changes
Delivery Type Change – The accreditation of a currently accredited learning activity in a different delivery mode (e.g., accredit a live learning activity as an independent study, or vice versa). All aspects of the learning activity (e.g., content, CEU value) must be identical in order to qualify for a delivery type change application. The only variance allowed is in the approach to the learner assessment, the format for which may differ between live and independent study activities.
Administrative Change – a modification to a currently accredited learning activity for:
- A change in an administrative component of the learning activity such as the provider, sponsor, title of learning activity, modification of CEU’s initially assigned to the learning activity;
- A removal of a section of an accredited learning activity; or
- Other situations approved by CCCEP.
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Delivery Type/administrative Change Application Process
The application process for each of these accreditation reviews is similar, as outlined below.
You may also download the Accreditation Manual for Program Providers, which provides a step-by-step guide to the application process.
1. Prepare and compile the learning activity documents:
- Learning Activity text/content
- Learner assessment/Post Test and answer key/marking rubric (changes in the format from the previously accredited delivery type must be identified)
- Learning Activity Evaluation form (if modified)
- Revised Sample Statement/Letter of Attendance
- Revised information available to learners (e.g., brochure, promotional information)
2. Prepare and compile the required forms:
- Disclosure forms (for new presenters, if applicable)
- Disclosure forms associated with anyone involved in preparing new aspects (such as learner assessment) of the application.
- Letter from the previous Provider (if applying for an Adminstrative Change to alter the provider for the learning activity) authorizing and acknowledging that a new provider is assuming responsibility for the learning activity.
3. On the CCCEP website, go to the member LOG IN area. Log in using your Provider (or accredited provider) User Name and Password.
4. In the Provider Work Area, click on the “Upload Activity” button to open the Accreditation Application Form.
5. Complete the Accreditation Application Form
- Select “Delivery Type Change” or “Administrative Change” (as appropriate) for the Application Field
- Select either “Regular” for the Type of Application (there is no Fast Track option for these applications)
Review Timeline
The review period for a Delivery/Program Type Review or an Administrative Review application is two weeks.
For detailed information on the review timeline, go to the Accreditation Timelines webpage.