
Mergener Formula

Click on the link to download a copy of Mergener Formula Excel File.

The Mergener Formula allows for an a priori method of assigning CEUs based on the estimated time it takes to complete an Independent Study Learning activity – reading the learning activity content and completing the learner assessment.

The formula is based on the number of words in the text, the number of learner assessment questions and a subjective assessment of the difficulty level of the content using a 5-point Likert scale.

CCCEP uses the formula tested by the College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan[2] which also includes a conservative correction factor.

Application of Formula

The Mergener Formula may be used to calculate the CEUs for any text based Independent Study Learning activity such as a journal article, PDF document, or text-based web-learning activity.

Application to other formats of Independent Study Learning activity may be considered upon request on an experimental basis.

Calculation of CEUs Using the Mergener Formula

Providers interested in using the Mergener Formula Calculator may download a copy of the Excel file using the link at the top of this page or from the forms page.

  1. The word count is to only include the content of the learning activity. The title, author information, references and other non-content information is not to be included.
  2. The provider will request the expert reviewer to assess the difficulty level of the learning activity using the 5-point Likert scale. This is the difficulty level that is to be used in the calculation of the number of CEUs.
  3. The provider will submit the Mergener Calculator file to CCCEP with the other learning activity documentation.

[1] Mergener, M. 1991. A Preliminary Study to Determine the Amount of Continuing Education Credit to Award for Home Study Programs. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Vol. 55, Fall: 263-266.

[2] Muth, J., and L. Hanson. 2007. Validation of a Formula for Assigning Continuing Education Credit to Printed Home Study Courses. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Vol. 71(6): 1-5.