Standards of Practice for Pharmacy Professionals
The following information is adapted from the document titled “Model Standards of Practice for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians in Canada” issued by the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA), which can be found on NAPRA’s website by clicking here.
In asessing programs for accreditation, CCCEP seeks information from providers as to how their learning activities relate to these standards of practice. CCCEP’s Application process is structured to identify this, which also allows potential registrants to search for accredited programs that align with one or more of these standards. Providers should therefore be familiar with these standards, and considerate of them in the identification and development of learning activities intended for pharmacy professionals.
NAPRA’s standards of practice fall in five domains:
Domain 1 - Providing Care
- Pharmacy professionals continuously assess the patient’s unique needs, goals, and preferences related to health and well-being.
- In collaboration with the patient and their circle of care, pharmacy professionals use their professional judgment to make evidence-informed decisions that are based on the patient’s unique needs, goals, and preferences.
- Pharmacy professionals provide care and services that promote optimal outcomes that meet the patient’s unique needs, goals, and preferences.
- Pharmacy professionals monitor patients and follow up with them to ensure that therapy continues to be optimal.
Domain 2 - Knowledge and Expertise
- Pharmacy professionals develop and maintain their professional knowledge and skills and practise within their own scope of practice and competence.
- Pharmacy professionals incorporate evidence-informed practice in all aspects of professional care.
Domain 3 - Communication and Collaboration
- Pharmacy professionals communicate effectively.
- Pharmacy professionals work in partnership with patients.
- Pharmacy professionals work in partnership with pharmacy colleagues, other health professionals, and other stakeholders.
- Pharmacy professionals document care, actions, and decisions to enable collaboration and continuity of care.
- Pharmacy professionals maintain appropriate records to enable collaboration and continuity of care.
Domain 4 - Leadership and Stewardship
- Pharmacy professionals support colleagues and students and provide appropriate oversight, supervision and leadership.
- Pharmacy professionals contribute to public and community health and safety.
Domain 5 - Professionalism
- Pharmacy professionals practise in compliance with the code of ethics applicable in their jurisdiction and all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements.
- Pharmacy professionals maintain appropriate professional boundaries.
- Pharmacy professionals respect and maintain the confidentiality and privacy of patients.
- Pharmacy professionals promote and maintain a safe workplace environment.