Accredited Provider
Responsibilities and Authorities of Accredited Providers
Distinct from CCCEP’s regular program providers, CCCEP has a small number of organizations who have been designated as Accredited Providers. Information on that designation and the application process can be found in the next section on this page.
The responsibilities of Accredited Providers, their authorities, fees and the review process associated with maintaining their status, can be found in the policies at the link below.
Become an Accredited Provider
Are you a non-for-profit organization who specializes in the delivery of continuing education?
Have you been a registered provider with CCCEP for a period of time, and accredited a number of continuing education programs?
Interested in becoming an Accredited Provider?
If the answer to all these questions was yes, check out the links below!
Before You Begin Your Role as an Accredited Provider
Before you begin developing and accrediting a learning activity or conference, ensure you are familiar with your responsibilities as an Accredited Provider and that you are familiar with the CCCEP accreditation process and CCCEP’s Requirements for Accreditation. Links to each are in the boxes below.
Planning to Develop and Accredit a Learning Activity, Conference, or Regularly Scheduled Series?
Accredited Providers are authorized to self-accredit new learning activities, conferences, and regularly scheduled series. They are also authorized to renew or extend learning activities, update an activity or conduct other administrative changes (e.g. title change). Instructions on the documentation and steps required with these various types of accreditation are available on the Accreditation Page.
Accredited providers are not authorized to conduct competency mapped accreditation. Once the first stage of a competency mapped accreditation review is completed by the accredited provider it must be submitted to CCCEP for the stage 2 review. For further information on competency mapped accreditation see Competency Mapped Accreditation.
Even though self-accreditation is conducted by the accredited providers, they must enter the appropriate information in the CCCEP database so that we have a record of the programs they have accredited, and so that those programs are visible from the ‘search for a learning activity’ function on the CCCEP website.
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Other Information
Current Accredited Providers
There are currently six CCCEP accredited providers, as follow:
- Canadian Pharmacists Association
- Ontario Pharmacists Association
- Alberta Pharmacists’ Association
- Canadian Society of Healthcare-Systems Pharmacy, British Columbia Branch
- School of Pharmacy, University of Waterloo
- Canadian Society of Healthcare-Systems Pharmacy