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Become an Accredited Provider

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Accredited Providers

The CCCEP Accredited Provider Program enables program providers to accredit their own programs (with the exception of competency mapped programs) using CCCEP’s standards and guidelines. The Accredited Provider is allowed to use the CCCEP Accredited Provider Logo to indicate that their program is CCCEP accredited.

CCCEP initially established an Accredited Provider Program as a pilot project in 2003. It was made a permanent program in 2007.

To become an accredited provider, an organization must first submit an application. The application is reviewed by an Accredited Provider Review Panel composed of members of the CCCEP Board of Directors. If successful, the organization may be accredited for an initial period of two years, with a probationary review conducted at the end of the second year. Subsequent renewals, which are subject to a successful Accredited Provider Review, are for a period of four years.

Benefits of Being a CCCEP Accredited Provider

The history of CCCEP is one of promoting the quality of continuing pharmacy education. Originally created in 1972, CCCEP’s Standards for CCCEP Accreditation are the standards against which continuing pharmacy education program providers measure their educational offerings and which some provinces use as guides for provincial accreditation.

The question each organization should ask is: why should my organization become a CCCEP Accredited Provider?

  • The individual learner receives higher quality CE from the approved provider institutions because of the rigorous standards they must meet.[Comment of a CCCEP Accredited Provider, Evaluation of the Accredited Provider Program]


This statement represents the ultimate goal, to provide the highest quality continuing pharmacy education to pharmacy professionals, of all continuing pharmacy education stakeholders, including continuing pharmacy education program providers. There are other significant benefits to program providers who become Accredited Providers.

Credibility and Quality

A CCCEP Accredited Provider Status means that the Program Provider:

  • Demonstrates compliance with proven continuing pharmacy education standards created in cooperation with provincial regulatory authorities and national pharmacy associations
  • Is dedicated to high standards for quality in continuing pharmacy education;
  • Awards the CCCEP CEU, the hallmark for quality in continuing pharmacy education in Canada, and displays the CCCEP Accredited Provider logo; and
  • Delivers accredited programs to pharmacy professionals in all provinces and territories of Canada that are recognized by all provincial pharmacy regulatory authorities.

Flexibility and Effectiveness

The Evaluation of the Accredited Provider Program revealed that Accredited Providers experienced:

  • Increased clarity as to what constitutes high quality CE;
  • Increased awareness among staff of some Accredited Provider institutions about the requirements and value of accreditation;
  • Increased efficiency and flexibility for the provider in the process of delivering accredited CE activities once they became an Accredite Provider.
  • Opportunities for the providers to expand the content and delivery methods or improve the quality of their programs because of the increased convenience of the process;
  • Opportunities for the providers to maintain and improve their already high quality CE because of the Accredited Provider Program standards and criteria;
  • Ability for the providers to deliver some CE activities for accreditation that may not have been submitted to CCCEP for accreditation prior to the pilot; and
  • Improvement in their policies and procedures because they were required to review, and in some cases, create policies, which made them more effective;CE programs are seen as more valid by their Board of Directors now that they are CCCEP accredited.

To summarize, becoming a CCCEP Accredited Provider enhances the credibility, quality, program structure and processes, and opportunities. It assures learners of the quality of their continuing pharmacy education programs.

Was It Worth It?

Program providers feel that becoming an Accredited Provider has had a positive effect on their organization. The time and effort required to complete the Application Form was worth it.

  • The convenience and flexibility of the program makes it worthwhile. The Approved Provider program allows the providers to be more in control of their time lines.
  • The overall process of delivering accredited CE activities is more efficient and the provider can make changes to CPE activities at the last minute.
  • Being an Accredited Provider provides the organization with greater recognition in the continuing pharmacy education community.

Accreditation Fees


Mergener Formula

Accreditation Timelines