CCCEP New Executive Officers Dec 2024
For Immediate Release
December 6, 2024, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador – At its November 29, 2024, Annual General Meeting, the Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP) elected new executive officers for its Board of Directors.
Dr. Pamela Timanson was elected president of CCCEP, after concluding a two-year term as Vice-President. Danielle Larocque is a first-time member of the executive team, assuming the position of CCCEP’s Vice-President, and Sheena Deane moved to the position of Past President.
President Timanson stated that “it is with excitement and anticipation that I step into the role of President. I am humbled by the opportunity and mindful of the incredible leadership example set by the previous Presidents and long-standing Board members.” She added that she was “looking forward to working with the Board of Directors over the next two years as the organization explores new directions to meet the ever-changing needs of its member organizations and the growing number of pharmacy professionals across Canada”.
President Timanson joined the Board of Directors of CCCEP in 2017. Dr. Timanson holds a PhD in Educational Administration and Leadership and is currently the Competence Director for the Alberta College of Pharmacy (ACP) and an Adjunct Professor with the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. She was previously a high school science teacher and taught undergraduate courses in the Faculty of Education and facilitated online modules and held research positions with the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. She has served on CCCEP’s Accreditation Policy Committee for a number of years, including in the role as Chair, and continues to serve on that Committee as well as the Needs Assessment Working Group.
Vice-President Larocque joined the Board of Directors of CCCEP in 2016. Danielle Larocque is a registered pharmacist and University of Saskatchewan graduate. She was a Pharmacy District Manager for 11 years before moving to the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. She currently serves as the Director of USask Continuing Pharmacy Education and has been managing that program since 2016. She is also Director of medSask, a drug information service and leader in pharmacist prescribing guidelines. Since joining the CCCEP board, she served on CCCEP’s Accreditation Policy Committee for a number of years. She is a current member of the Needs Assessment Working Group and the Promoting CCCEP Task Group and has previously served on the Strategic Planning Working Group.
Past President Deane joined the Board of Directors in 2008. Sheena Deane is a registered pharmacy technician, with over 30 years experience in hospital and community pharmacy practice settings as well as pharmacy benefit management. She currently holds the position of Manager of Pharmacy Operations with a community pharmacy in Ontario. Ms. Deane has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Pharmacy Technicians (CAPT) since 2001 and currently serves as President. She has served on CCCEP’s Audit and Finance Committee for a number of years, including in the role of Chair, as well as previous CCCEP task groups. She continues to serve on the Audit and Finance Committee and will chair CCCEP’s Governance Committee for the coming two years.
“CCCEP welcomes Vice-President Larocque to the Executive team, and is pleased to have Dr. Pamela Timanson assume the role of President and Sheena Deane continue to provide her support in moving to the role of Past-President” began Colleen Janes, “I look forward to working with them during their two-year term as CCCEP continues to advance its vision for continuing pharmacy education”.
CCCEP is the national accrediting body for continuing pharmacy education in Canada. CCCEP accreditation is recognized by the pharmacy regulatory authorities in all provinces and territories of Canada.
For more information, please contact:
Colleen Janes, B. Sc. (Pharmacy), M. Ed. (Post-Secondary Studies)
Executive Director
Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP)
Phone: 709-221-4082