CCCEP Volunteers
CCCEP engages approximately 100 volunteer pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to serve on its Learning Review Panels. Learning Review Panels are a vital part of CCCEP’s accreditation review process and these volunteers play an important role in ensuring CCCEP accredited programs are of high quality and adhere to the standards and guidelines established by CCCEP.
Each new learning activity submitted for CCCEP accreditation is sent to a Learning Review Panel. The panel reviews the learning activity, identifies any issues and concerns and makes a recommendation to CCCEP on the accreditation of the learning activity.
Each Learning Review Panel is composed of a number of volunteer reviewers. Pharmacist panels review learning activities intended for the pharmacist audience and Pharmacy Technician panels review learning activities intended for the pharmacy technician audience. Activites submitted for a dual audience (pharmacists and pharmacy technicians) are reviewed by two panels.
Benefits of Being a Learning Review Panelist
The main benefits of being a learning review panelist are:
- The opportunity to review new continuing pharmacy education programs on a number of different topics; and
- The opportunity to contribute to your profession by supporting the professional development of your colleagues in the profession of pharmacy.
In addition, CCCEP offers the following benefits to Learning Review Panelists:
- A small annual honorarium to cover some of the printing and other costs that you may incur as part of doing the reviews, and as an expression of our appreciation.
- An honorarium for doing a Fast Track Review (essentially an expedited review application) in recognition of the shorter than normal time frame in which this review needs to be completed (approximately 9 calendar days).
- A letter confirming your participation in the accreditation review of the program, indicating the number of Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) it was accredited for. Most panelists utilize these letters as part of their own Learning Portfolio.
Role of a Review Panel
The primary role of the Learning Review Panel for CCCEP Accreditation is to:
- Provide feedback on the relevance of the learning material to pharmacy practice
- Provide feedback about the overall learning experience and educational value
- Ensure that the presentation of content in the program is balanced and free of bias, and
- Assess contact hours for the purpose of assigning CEU credits
Learning Review Panels do not assess the content of the program. That is the role of the expert reviewers, which occurs prior to the application for accreditation to CCCEP. However, if a panelist has concerns regarding the content they may note their concern in their reviewer’s report.