Guideline G: Conflict of Interest Disclosure
1. Disclosure will be made by those individuals specified in Standard 6, even where there are no conflicts of interest to declare.
2. Disclosure will include only the name of the organization/commercial interest and will not include brand names of pharmaceutical products, devices, or technologies, or organizational slogans or logos, except when a brand name is required in the disclosure statement by another continuing health education Accreditation organization.
3. If additional personnel, such as a new live Learning Activity presenter, become involved with a Learning Activity following Accreditation a COI/disclosure form will be submitted to CCCEP prior to their active participation.
4. The required elements for disclosure outlined in Standard 6 will be presented in a disclosure statement or disclosure slide(s), even if there is nothing to disclose. The statement and or slide(s) must contain the following elements:
4.1 Personal disclosure of the presenter and Author; and
4.2 Commercial disclosure (i.e., financial or in-kind support for the development or delivery of the Learning Activity).
5. If slides are used, the disclosure must be presented both visually and verbally. Slide templates are available at CCCEP Forms.
6. Current/past employment relationship includes any relationship within the previous 2 years which may be, or give the appearance of, a Conflict of Interest with respect to the Learning Activity; this includes contractual relationships.