Standard 6: Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Standard 6: All individuals who are involved in any aspect of a Learning Activity will disclose real or potential conflict(s) of interest that may impair their objectivity or give rise to a perception of Bias.
Required Elements to Meet This Standard
6.1 Full disclosure of all funding, payments, influences, and relationships will be made:
- To CCCEP at time of application, renewal, extension and when new individuals (e.g., new presenters) are added; and
- To learners at the beginning of the Learning Activity.
6.2 Disclosures will be made by all Authors, presenters, facilitators, scientific policy committee members, and expert reviewers and will include:
- Potential conflicts of interest;
- Employment relationships with a Commercial Interest; and
- Whether an honorarium (speaking fee) was provided, and by who, for that particular Learning Activity.
6.3 Disclosures of Commercial Interest must include Sponsorship support, whether financial or in-kind. Where the support is in-kind, the nature of that support must be disclosed.
- For all learning activities, with the exception of Conferences, disclosure of Commercial Interest will be made by:
- The Provider, for independent study activities; and
- All presenters and facilitators, for live activities, at the beginning of the activity.
- For Conferences, disclosure of commercial interest will be made by:
- The Conference organizer/Provider at the start of the Conference, with respect to the overall Conference Sponsor(s), as well as any educational sessions that are sponsored; and
- Presenters for each session delivered as part of a Conference, only if the individual session is sponsored in a manner different than the other Conference sessions.
6.4 Disclosures may be made on disclosure slides (Live activity, Conference session or Regularly Scheduled Series session) or in a statement of disclosure (Independent Study activity).
6.5 Disclosure will include only the company name and will not include trade names, logos, company or product/device messages or organizational slogans, except when a trade or product name is required in the disclosure statement by another continuing health education Accreditation organization.
6.6 Presenters, Authors or facilitators with no relevant financial or other relationships will disclose to learners that no conflicts of interest exist.
6.7 a. Disclosures to CCCEP will be made on an approved disclosure form.
b. Approved Disclosure forms include those of CCCEP, the College of Family Physicians of Canada, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
c. The use of any other disclosure form requires the prior approval of CCCEP.