Guideline K: Interactive Learning
1. To contribute to a supportive learning atmosphere and facilitate effective adult learning, CCCEP’s standards require that accredited programs have active and/or interactive learning activities to help learners achieve their Learning Objectives and transfer knowledge to their practice.
2. Such approaches are expected to be Learner-centered.
3. Interactive learning may include things such as:
3.1 Question and answer periods
3.2 Case discussions
3.3 Case study presentations
3.4 Software or learning platforms that support mandatory selection of an option, answer of a question or incorporation of a game element to advance in the Learning Activity
3.5 Audience collaborative or polling tools
4. Other means by which to provide for interactive learning include:
4.1 Having the audience break into small groups and discuss (e.g., think, pair, share). In this activity, you could also have learners report back for a larger group discussion if time allowed. Breakout rooms are also being used in virtual Conferences.
4.2 A presenter could use video clips to stimulate conversation; use check-in points in a presentation (have participants provide in one word what they have learned thus far or something new they have learned (this can be done in the chat feature for a virtual presentation)); have groups create a diagram or graphic organizer and present back to the group (or choose a few groups to present theirs) – this could be changed so that the groups create something that could be used in their workplaces.
5. CCCEP’s standards require a specific threshold for interactive elements. Authors, presenters and Providers must allocate 25% of the total time for the Learning Activity for interactivity, except for Conference or regularly-scheduled series sessions, where it is strongly encouraged.
5.1 While an open question and answer period following a presentation does allow for interaction with learners, the goal for interactive learning is for engagement beyond question-and-answer periods and should consider some of the approaches noted above.