Standard 7: Multi-faceted Learner Assessment
Standard 7: A multi-faceted approach to assessment will be used to support learners’ diverse learning needs.
Required Elements to Meet This Standard
7.1 Learner Assessments will be included for every Learning Activity submitted for Accreditation, with the exception of those delivered as part of a Conference or Regularly Scheduled Series.
(Conferences and Regularly Scheduled Series are exempt from mandatory Learner Assessment; however, Providers are encouraged to include them where feasible.)
7.2 The Learner Assessment will be related to the content.
7.3 The Learner Assessment will be aligned with the Learning Objectives or outcomes.
7.4 The Learner Assessment will include at least two different approaches to assessment.
7.5 The Learner Assessment will include at least two different types of assessment.
7.6 The Learner Assessment may be included in the delivery of the Learning Activity or distributed after the Learning Activity.
7.7 If the Learner Assessment is included in the delivery of the Learning Activity, the time to complete the Learner Assessment is included in the calculation of the Continuing Education Units (CEUs) awarded to the Learning Activity.